Remote Research

Remote Research

Remote Research

Fixer in Greece consists of experienced fixers, producers and journalists, ready to embrace your film project in Greece and take it a step further!

Researching and securing for you the most interesting locations, stories and characters, is what makes us the best in the business!

Whether it is a film, a documentary,  a photo shoot, a news story or a reality show, we know where to focus in order to provide first class services to our clients.


Domestic and International Media Productions, TV , cinema & Social Networking Media

10 Akropoleos Str, 546 34, Thessaloniki, Greece

+30 6998-990-722

+39 3426636119




Join our mailing list to receive our latest news about our services and projects. Looking for a fixer in Greece? Leave it up to Eleni and her team and your filming experience in Greece will be second to none!

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Fixer in Greece, was founded by Eleni Fanariotou, a producer and fixer with over 10 years of experience in facilitating international productions in Greece and abroad. Leave it up to Eleni and her team and your filming experience in Greece will be second to none! Photo shoots, films, news coverage, TV commercials , series or documentaries, music clips or corporate videos.

Fixer In Greece